⸺Thameside Groundworks⸺
Plate Bearing
and in-situ CBR Testing
Plate Bearing BS1377:1990 Tests
Our plate bearing tests establish the capactiy and strength and deformation parameters of the soil beneath the plate.
Plate Bearing
Our tests help you establish the requirements and measurements of the soil beneath for any proposed project
On Site Tests
Strength Tests, Vertical Deformation, CBR Plate bearing, Density, TRL testing and Hand dug pit trials
InSitu CBR Tests
We can estimate pavement thickness based on the CBR value test on the soil being used. Our tests are compliant to BS1377:1990 part 9.4.3
The DCP (Dynamic Cone Penetrometer) is used in the in situ strength of existing pavement constructure
Our Plate Bearing & CBR Testing: